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March 2021

La Tartiflette

Tartiflette is a dish of Savoyard origin made with potatoes, bacon, onions and gratinated reblochon. While the creation of the tartiflette is relatively recent, it is nevertheless inspired by a traditional Savoy recipe, the péla. It is a mountain dish that the French like to eat in winter when it's very cold or when they go skiing. The Recipe/ La Recette . Ingrédients en Français 1kg de pommes de terre 200g de lardons fumes 200g oignons émincés 1 Reblochon 1 gousse d’ail 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile Sel Poivre Ingredients in English 1kg of potatoes 200g [...]

29 March 2021|Categories: French Recipes|

The Mindset For Successful French Learning

Do you know the story of Pygmalion? According to legend, Pygmalion, a talented sculptor, one day decided to sculpt a statue of a woman of extraordinary beauty. His project was so successful that, once the statue was completed, the artist fell in love with his work. He couldn't help but kiss her with the intimate wish that his creation would morph into a real woman. Immediately kissed, the statue arose into life, and was embodied in the body of a real woman. His wish had come true. In the social sciences, this story gave its name to the Pygmalion Effect. [...]

25 March 2021|Categories: Tips to Learn French|
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