Published On: 22 February 2021Categories: French Recipes1.8 min read


Chandeleur is a Christian religious holiday celebrated on February 2. The holiday is now associated with “crepes day”. This tradition’s origin is attributed to Pope Gelasius I, who offered crepes to pilgrims entering Rome.

The crepes are made from dough with flour, eggs and milk (however, it is possible to replace milk with water or beer). Cooked on both sides with a crepe maker or pan, it is most often round in shape. There are many ways to eat crepes: hot or cold, salty or sweet with or without toppings; crepes leave much room for creativity. The tradition is to sauté the crepe in the pan to ensure prosperity.

The Recipe/ La Recette

Les Crêpes Recipe/Recette


Ingrédients en Français

  • 500g de farine
  • 5 œufs
  • 1L de lait
  • 60g de beurre
  • Sucre vanillé
  • Sel

Ingredients in English

  • 500g of flour
  • 5 eggs
  • 1L of milk
  • 60g of butter
  • Vanilla sugar
  • Salt


Préparation de la Recette en Français

  1. Mettre la moitié du lait et mélanger avec la farine dans un saladier.
  2. Casser les œufs et ajouter le sel et le sucre vanillé. Mélanger.
  3. Ajouter le reste du lait, le beurre fondu et mélanger pour avoir une pâte parfaitement fluide.
  4. Mettre un morceau de beurre dans la poêle chaude.
  5. Verser une louche de pâte à crêpe dans la poêle.
  6. Une fois le premier côté cuit, retourner la crêpe.
  7. Déguster.

Recipe Preparation in English

  1. Put half of the milk and mix with the flour in a bowl.
  2. Crack the eggs and add the salt and vanilla sugar. Mix.
  3. Add the rest of the milk, the melted butter and mix to obtain a perfectly fluid dough.
  4. Add a knob of butter to the hot pan.
  5. Pour a ladle of dough into the pan.
  6. Once the first side is cooked, turn the crepe.
  7. Enjoy.
Mots de Vocabulaire / Vocabulary Words
  • La moitié: half
  • La farine: flour
  • Le saladier: bowl
  • La pâte: dough
  • La louche: ladle
  • La poêle: pan
  • Mélanger: to mix
  • Casser (les oeufs) : to crack eggs
  • Ajouter: to add
  • Fondre: to melt
  • Verser: to pour