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French Recipes

Le Croque-Monsieur

Did you know there is a National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day? It was Monday April 12 and for the occasion we have chosen to share with you a delicious Croque-monsieur recipe. Croque-monsieur is a hot sandwich, most often made with bread, ham and cheese. It can be decorated and made in various ways, by adding an egg on top, it then becomes a Croque-madame. Extremely simple to prepare, it is nonetheless a tasty classic to make and remake. The Recipe/ La Recette . Ingrédients en Français 8 tranches de pain au levain 400ml de lait 160g de [...]

28 April 2021|Categories: French Recipes|

La Tartiflette

Tartiflette is a dish of Savoyard origin made with potatoes, bacon, onions and gratinated reblochon. While the creation of the tartiflette is relatively recent, it is nevertheless inspired by a traditional Savoy recipe, the péla. It is a mountain dish that the French like to eat in winter when it's very cold or when they go skiing. The Recipe/ La Recette . Ingrédients en Français 1kg de pommes de terre 200g de lardons fumes 200g oignons émincés 1 Reblochon 1 gousse d’ail 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile Sel Poivre Ingredients in English 1kg of potatoes 200g [...]

29 March 2021|Categories: French Recipes|

Les Crêpes

Chandeleur is a Christian religious holiday celebrated on February 2. The holiday is now associated with "crepes day". This tradition's origin is attributed to Pope Gelasius I, who offered crepes to pilgrims entering Rome. The crepes are made from dough with flour, eggs and milk (however, it is possible to replace milk with water or beer). Cooked on both sides with a crepe maker or pan, it is most often round in shape. There are many ways to eat crepes: hot or cold, salty or sweet with or without toppings; crepes leave much room for creativity. The tradition is to [...]

22 February 2021|Categories: French Recipes|

The Tradition of the King’s Cake

The King's cake is a galette traditionally eaten in most of France, Quebec, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium and Lebanon for the day of Epiphany – January 6 or the first Sunday after January 1  – depending on the country. Epiphany is a Christian holiday that celebrates the visit of the three wise men to Jesus. The Story Behind "La Galette Des Rois" (King’s Cake) From Roman origin, the tradition consists in dividing the cake into as many parts as there are guests, plus one. In order to leave things to chance, the youngest present at the table then sits under this [...]

27 January 2021|Categories: French Recipes|
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